Phil Lucas

Phil Lucas

Enhanced Care Doctor

Phil started volunteering for Wiltshire and Bath Air Ambulance Charity in 2015, occasionally working air ambulance shifts, but he also conducts annual flying medicals for the paramedics.

He started medical school in 2005 and soon after he also registered as a Paramedic. In 2010 he joined the local BASICS (volunteer immediate care organisation) and currently works as a GP who works predominantly in Aviation Medicine.

Phil's Latest Missions

Location: Westbury

Attended in: Car

Crew Attending
Louise Cox

Louise Cox
Critical Care Paramedic

Matt Metcalf

Matt Metcalf
Critical Care Paramedic

Phil Lucas

Phil Lucas
Enhanced Care Doctor

Have you been treated by us?

If you or someone you know has been treated by our critical care team, it would be great to hear from you. We can arrange for a visit to the airbase for the chance to meet our pilots, paramedics and doctors.