Aftercare Support

Our charity will always be there for you

We’re here when you need us most - at the scene of an incident and beyond.

Recovering after a serious injury or medical event is a difficult process.

If you have been treated by Wiltshire and Bath Air Ambulance Charity and would like to know more about the treatment you received or have unanswered questions, please contact our Aftercare service.

A photo of a lady sitting on a sofa speaking to two people
How can we help you?

We will try to answer any questions you may have and fill in any ‘gaps’ to help you piece together and understand what happened.

We will take the time to listen to your concerns, suggestions or queries, and provide emotional support to you and your relatives. 

An incident affects not just the patient but also those around them and as it can be shocking and traumatic to witness a medical emergency, so this support extends to families and bystanders too.

Wherever patients are on their recovery journey, there are many organisations that can provide specific support. We can help identify and provide contact details of other relevant support agencies and charities both locally and nationally. 

Very sadly and despite the best of efforts, some of our patients die and their families and loved ones find themselves suddenly and unexpectedly bereaved.

For these people, we know that establishing and maintaining a relationship with Wiltshire and Bath Air Ambulance Charity can be of support as they grieve.

We may be able to put you in touch with the clinicians who helped you or your loved one, or simply ensure that your thanks are passed on to them on your behalf. 

We have a dedicated Family Room at our airbase in Semington, near Trowbridge, and where appropriate we can organise and host airbase visits for patients and/or bereaved families. 

Due to strict patient confidentiality, we don’t always know what happened to patients treated by our crew, so we rely on those affected to contact us directly. Sharing the stories of past patients is extremely important to us.
Personal, real-life stories help people really understand the impact of our service and the vital role of the fundraising activity, volunteering and support. 

Once recovered, some people may wish to give something back to the charity and there are many ways you can do this.

A sunny field of yellow and green sunflowers

Patient Support

We understand the death of a close friend or family member is hard and we know that doing something in memory of someone you have loved can help with the bereavement process. 

View our in memory section