Keep the memory of a loved one flying
We appreciate you thinking of supporting us in such a special way and honouring someone you love and miss.
We understand the death of a loved one is hard, we know that doing something in memory of someone you love can help with the bereavement process and ensure that while your special someone may no longer be here, we can help keep their memory flying.
Donating in memory of your loved one makes you and them a lifesaver, it's an incredible lasting legacy. We hope that the continuation of our vital service will be a fitting tribute to your loved one.
If you would like further support, please contact Lucy Dickinson-Hainsworth by using the button below.

Ways to remember someone
Additional support
Here at Wiltshire and Bath Air Ambulance Charity we are here to help support you, but we also understand everyone experiences bereavement differently.
If you feel you need additional support with your grief please use the Grief Chat service; you will see the pop-up box at the bottom right hand-side of this page. This service is to support you and will be led by you; you can remain anonymous if you prefer.
The service is open 9am-9pm, Monday-Friday and is run by professional bereavement counsellors.
Thank you again for visiting our In Memory page. We hope this service will help and we look forward to helping keep the memory of your loved one flying.

Did you know?
It costs £4.5 million a year to keep the air ambulance flying. But we can’t do any of this vital work without your help. As a registered charity, we don’t receive government funding, relying entirely on voluntary donations and support from our local Wiltshire and Bath communities.