Information for executors

If you are administering the estate of someone who has remembered Wiltshire and Bath Air Ambulance Charity in their Will, please contact us as early as possible to let us know.

This way we can make sure our records are amended so that future mailings are not sent to your loved one.

Being an executor can be a challenging and emotional experience. Although we are here to support you and can talk you through the steps, we cannot provide legal advice and would advise contacting a solicitor if the Will is complex.

What we can offer is a warm welcome and a cup of tea, and the chance to look around our airbase so you can see first-hand what a difference the legacy gift will make.

A photo of a town from above with a sunset
Having an up to date Will is one of the most important legal documents a person can make in their lifetime, however we also understand how daunting it can be.
That is why we are supporting Wiltshire and Bath Air Ambulance Charity's Free Wills Services, to make writing and updating a Will more accessible to everyone.
—Ashley Partridge, Head of Wills, Probate and Estate Planning at Parker Bullen

Getting in touch

To get in touch, please contact the Charity Office on 01225 300536 or email

In order to assist you in administering the kind gifts left to us in Wills, there are some details we'll need from you:

  • Full name and address of the person who has left us the gift
  • Date of death
  • A copy of the Will
  • A list of assets and liabilities in the estate (if the gift is a share of an estate).

Please provide this information before making a payment by bank transfer or sending us a cheque.

Payment information

By bank transfer:

Account name: Wiltshire and Bath Air Ambulance Charity

Account number: 31771368

Sort code: 30-92-63

Bank address: Lloyds Bank, 38 The Market Place, Devizes, SN10 1JD

Note: Please use the surname of the person who has left us a gift as a reference. This will help us to match your payment with the legacy and enable us to provide you with a formal receipt.

By cheque:

If you wish to make payment by cheque, please make cheques payable to 'Wiltshire and Bath Air Ambulance Charity' and send them to the following address with a cover letter including the information listed above:

Wiltshire and Bath Air Ambulance Charity, Outmarsh, Semington, Wiltshire, BA14 6JX.

In person:

If you have a cheque and would like to drop it off in person, please contact

Did you know?

On average one in three of our missions each year is paid for thanks to people who remembered us in their Wills.